Heller Syndication distributes Joe Heller's editorial cartoons to more than 350 newspapers throughout the U.S. He's been reprinted in Time, Newsweek, BusinessWeek, U.S. News & World Report, The New Republic and The National Review.

Since 1979, Joe has been drawing award-winning cartoons. First, at the West Bend News (Wis.), then at the Green Bay Press-Gazette (1985-2013.) Heller Syndication has been distributing Joe's work since 1980.

Joe draws four times a week on various political, social issues and topics of interest in the news. Cartoons are emailed as they are drawn, or they can be downloaded from this website. Cartoons are available in color at no extra cost. And there is NO CONTRACT TO SIGN.

To receive four weeks of FREE samples with no obligation, just click the "To receive cartoon samples" icon on the left. Joe's cartoons are an excellent addition to editorial and op/ed pages.